Notice of Election2023-10-06T12:18:22+11:00

Notice of Election

We are excited and privileged to have received an exceptional response to our call for nominations for the ACTS Board of Directors this year!

With the number of valid nominations exceeding the available positions, we will be conducting an election to determine which of these outstanding candidates will have the opportunity to shape the future of ACTS. Our election process adheres to the guidelines outlined in the ACTS By-Law Director Election Procedure, ensuring a fair and transparent selection of new board members who will help drive the strategic direction of ACTS.

Voting for the election will take place at the ACTS Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18 October, 2023. Each member organisation within ACTS will have one voting representative who will cast a ballot during the election. A total of 5 candidates will be selected as new directors, determined by a preferential vote.

Following the AGM the ACTS Board of Directors, inclusive of new members, will then select the executive positions of President, Treasurer (eligible only to Australian Directors), Vice-President Australia & Vice-President New Zealand.

Each of the candidates possess unique qualities that can help shape the direction of our organisation. To learn more them and their vision for ACTS, simply click on the names below to expand and read more about their qualifications, experiences, and aspirations.

Find out who your organisation’s voting member representative is in our Member Portal or contact us here.

Amy Croucher2023-10-04T15:53:10+11:00

Sustainability Advantage

Nature Lead, Project Officer

ACTS’s mission to support meaningful change towards a more sustainable future aligns not only with my personal values, but in the work that I do.

I have extensive experience with both environmental, as well as community initiatives. I hold a BA and a postgraduate certificate in sustainable development and have over eight years of sustainability experience both in my professional work and personal life, including roles in the public, private and not for profit sectors.

My proudest achievement is founding a successful circular economy community initiative, the Inner West Tool Library (IWTL), a 100% volunteer run not-for-profit organisation. I was a founding board member and chairperson for 3 years. During this time I managed the establishment of the incorporated association, including strategic business model, policies, procedures, and a robust monitoring and evaluation process. I stepped back from my board position in 2021, as I believe it’s critical for others to formally contribute to the library for it to grow and evolve. The Three Year Impact Report I developed details the IWTL’s achievements. To further support scaling the impact of the sharing economy, I am now helping establish the Australian Library of Things (ALoT) Network.

I recently received a scholarship for the Governance Foundations for Not-for-Profit Directors course through the Australian Institute of Company Directors. The course, covering governance, finance, risk and strategy deepened my expertise in these areas, which I am now keen to explore in practice.

I work for NSW Government’s business support program, Sustainability Advantage. The program assists medium to large organisations identify and achieve their sustainability objectives. In this influential advisory role, I help organisations identify priority areas and strategise the best way to achieve outcomes co-designing and implementing projects. My work focuses on achieving alignment with our four pillars of Circular Economy, Beyond Net Zero, Nature Positive and the Sustainable Development Goals – all of which align well with the ACTS objectives. I have proven expertise in building and maintaining key strategic partnerships to achieve positive outcomes for the program. I manage the tertiary education sector, and help influence and have direct involvement with various universities’ sustainability journey’s.

As the Nature Lead, I am responsible for the design and development of the Nature Positive pillar, and with this interest I am part of the newly formed ACTS Biodiversity Working Group.

I have been an independent judge for the Green Gowns since 2020, and this year signed Sustainability Advantage up as an Affiliate ACTS member.

I also sit on the Pocket and Planet (Green) Advisory Council for Gateway Bank, assisting the Board and Management Team in the development and implementation of its purpose: to help members save both money and the planet.

My experience and expertise, along with my professionalism and sustainability passion would be well suited on the ACTS Board of Directors, and I welcome the opportunity to support the future of the ACTS.

Andrew Wilks2023-10-04T14:36:03+11:00

Director, Sustainability | Incumbent ACTS Director

Member organisation: Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington

I have been a Director on the ACTS Board for the past 5 years and most recently NZ Vice-President. In my role on the board I have ushered the organisation through the challenging Covid period, with a focus on the financial sustainability of ACTS, the development new member offerings and building new relationships.

I contribute a lot to the ACTS community through active participation in the initiatives delivered by ACTS – the conference, member roundtables, acts of connection, green impact, green gown awards etc. I also facilitate a lot of networking and collaborative work across institutions in NZ (some wearing an ACTS hat, some just as a sustainability practitioner).

ACTS has been a very valuable network that has helped shape my institution’s approach to sustainability, assisted my own professional development and given me a number of great friendships. Because it has provided me so much value, I want to ensure that ACTS continues to thrive. It would be a pleasure to continue serving as a Board Director.

Carmen Primo Perez2023-10-04T14:44:57+11:00

Senior Sustainability Officer | Incumbent ACTS Director

Member organisation: University of Tasmania

I have been a sustainability professional at the University of Tasmania since 2012 and I am committed to advance sustainability in the tertiary education sector and beyond. I have been ACTS Treasurer since 2018 and I believe I can continue to be a valuable member of ACTS through a Director position if re-elected. In my role as an ACTS Board member, I have provided management support and contributed to guiding the strategic direction of ACTS.

In the past few years, I have managed ACTS’s finances to ensure the financial viability of the organisation, which has been challenging following COVID-19 impacts in the sector. I have also supported initiatives to achieve ACTS objectives and contributed to broaden the standing of ACTS through relationships and collaborations.

I am also a member of the international Steering Committee for STARS (Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System). In this role, I have collaborated with other sustainability professionals to review and update the STARS manual, with a focus on making this tool more relevant to the Australasian region. In coming years (I have recently been reappointed to serve this Committee for another term) we’ll work to make STARS reports more accessible and visually interesting.

Going forward, I would like to continue to support ACTS to become a nationally and internationally recognised leading organisation in sustainability in campus organisations within and beyond the tertiary education sector. I believe that my expertise in and passion for sustainability will be valuable to support ACTS vision and mission.

Clare de Castella2023-10-04T15:54:16+11:00

Associate Director, ANU Below Zero, Sustainability Division

Member organisation: Australian National University

I am a sustainability professional who is also an experienced general manager with a highly collaborative style, a background in communications and excellent interpersonal, negotiation and partnership-building skills.

I am passionate about advocating for environmental sustainability and a strong supporter of ACTS. ACTS’ current portfolio of activities is very impressive, particularly given the evolution of the organisation. I am a strong believer in cross-sector knowledge sharing, having attended a number of ACTS workshops and found them to be invaluable. I would relish the chance to build on this to further increase ACTS’ impact.

I bring the following skills to the ACTS board:

  • Environmental sustainability. I hold a Masters in Environmental Management from UNSW and have been working in sustainability related roles since 2010. My current role is Associate Director in the Sustainability Division at the Australian National University, with a focus on organisational decarbonisation, including campus electrification, reducing travel emissions, carbon removal and linking operations and research and teaching. Prior to this I led the operations of the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions. I was instrumental in setting the targets and strategy of the ANU Below Zero Program and was recognised with an Award for Outstanding Leadership in 2020 as a result.
  • Governance. I have completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Foundations of Directorship course and will be doing the AICD Company Directors course in early 2024. I have significant experience engaging with university governance structures as well as previous experience as a school board member.
  • General / program management. I have extensive experience setting goals, developing innovative strategies and plans, leading and implementing programs and projects, financial and risk management, people management and mentoring, monitoring and evaluation and reporting across a range of entities, both in the university sector and in other sectors as a General Manager.
  • Strategic engagement and communications – With a background in communications, I have significant experience in engaging and consulting with stakeholders, collaborating, facilitating, negotiating, building partnerships, and developing and implementing communications strategies.
  • Experience across Asia and the Pacific. Whilst the majority of my most recent experience has been in Australia, I spent two years in a regional Asian role establishing a research agency based in Hong Kong. More recently I have built relationships with Pacific universities whilst leading a project engaging Pacific stakeholders with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. I could apply this experience to help grow the ACTS member network across Asia and the Pacific.

One of my long-term goals is to apply my skills to embed sustainability into the governance, culture and operations of a range of organisations. A Director role with ACTS would not only help shape the strategic direction of ACTS, but would also provide a springboard to facilitate broader sustainability advocacy, magnifying impact.

Daniel Harris2023-10-04T14:54:33+11:00

Carbon and Sustainability Engineer

Member organisation: University of Technology Sydney

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve as the Director of ACTS and believe that my background and dedication align perfectly with the organisation’s mission and goals. Here are the key reasons why I would be a valuable member in this role:

Leadership and Collaboration: Transitioning from the private sector to the university space has allowed me to witness firsthand the remarkable collaborative spirit between universities. I have proactively engaged with experts from various universities to seek advice and solutions. This collaborative approach is a unique strength of the higher education sector, enabling us to address common challenges collectively instead of duplicating efforts.

Commitment to ACTS’ Mission: I hold a deep-seated commitment to ACTS’ mission of tackling complex social, economic and environmental challenges and supporting meaningful change towards a more sustainable future. I recognise the global significance of this mission in addressing environmental challenges and am fully prepared to work toward ACTS’ objectives.

Expertise in Sustainability: Since joining UTS I have actively contributed to UTS’s decarbonisation journey,engaging in crucial areas such as electrification, renewable electricity procurement, and scope 3 emissions reduction. My technical background in building physics, Green Star, climate change adaptation, and indoor / outdoor thermal modelling, positions me as a valuable candidate

Strategic Vision: I bring a forward-thinking perspective to sustainability. I emphasise the importance of ACTS setting a clear vision to expedite member universities’ decarbonisation efforts, adapt to climate change, embrace the circular economy and find ways to address scope 3 emissions. I see sustainability as a holistic endeavour that should be integrated into students’ education, campus life, and through research collaboration.

In conclusion, my passion for sustainability, extensive experience, strategic outlook, leadership capabilities, and commitment to ACTS’ mission make me an ideal candidate for the Director position. I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to advance ACTS’ mission and continue promoting sustainability in the Australasian region.

Edward Maher2023-10-04T16:44:03+11:00

Manager, Sustainability | Incumbent ACTS Director

Member organisation: Charles Sturt University

I currently hold the role of Manager, Sustainability at Charles Sturt University and have 15 years of experience working in the sector. I’m responsible for leading the University’s progress towards best practice in organisational sustainability. Areas of focus include governance, curriculum, research, operational efficiencies, and stakeholder engagement.

My formal qualifications include a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Hons), Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Certificates in Small Business Management and Carbon Management.

I am a career sustainability practitioner with previous roles at Sydney Water Corporation and Snowy Hydro. My passion in this area extends to volunteer and community work, which has led to recognition at state and local levels.

My professional and community memberships include Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (Director), Murrumbidgee Landcare (Committee Member) and Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare (President). I have served as a member of working groups within the Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association and as a professional mentor with the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand.

Emilia Bisogni2023-10-04T15:25:48+11:00

Sustainability Officer

Member organisation: The University of Melbourne

I am interested in applying to join the ACTS board as the Treasurer because I believe I would be a valuable addition, thanks to my data analysis skills and commitment to sustainability both in my personal and professional life.

A significant part of my role at the University of Melbourne involves analysing data and monitoring trends. For example, I have analysed and reported on over 2000 responses for the last two Staff and Student Sustainability Surveys. Additionally, I report on the University’s waste, vending machine and minor projects data to identify inconsistencies, highlights, and areas for improvement. Through this process, I evaluate which sustainability projects to prioritise and advance. Furthermore, I closely collaborate with the Space Management and Procurement teams to work with internal and external stakeholders to improve the University’s offering and supply chain from a sustainability perspective. This work often involves determining how to improve processes that benefit students and staff, while aligning with the University’s core sustainability values and targets that are outlined in its Sustainability Plan 2030.

My ability to analyse data with attention to detail, manage projects and work collaboratively with key stakeholders while aligning with overall company principles would support me well in the Treasurer role and would allow me to provide ACTS with insights to enable the board to make informed decisions. My passion and background in sustainability align perfectly with ACTS’ mission. Given the not-for-profit stance of ACTS, I understand the importance of ensuring financial decisions are made with a holistic approach to sustainability, inclusive of the capacity of the board and the company’s mission.

Having worked at ACTS for almost two years, I am familiar with the company’s operations and values. In my role, I supported several universities with their implementation of the Green Impact program and recently was one of the first participants to complete the Carbon Literacy training. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of the ACTS team again, this time in a different role which involves working closely with the board to achieve ACTS’ overall objectives.

William Van Ausdel2023-10-04T15:52:04+11:00

Principal Sustainability Strategist

Member organisation: Flinders University

I am committed to inclusive, service-driven, and transformative governance. I bring to the table a fresh and informed understanding that higher education is a potent catalyst for societal change. With international experience in sustainability spanning diverse sectors, I stand ready to reinforce ACTS’s mission and cement its standing as a leader in campus sustainability.

As the Principal Sustainability Strategist at Flinders University, I’ve directed university-wide governance, a sustainability strategy, and a decarbonisation roadmap. Moreover, I actively share insights and learnings with peers in the sector and beyond. This experience has equipped me with the skills to define strategic goals and bring business plans to fruition. My prowess in fiscal oversight aptly complements the board’s management roles.

At the City of Adelaide, my proactive leadership in guiding the city to carbon-neutral certification and in conducting a climate risk assessment has solidified my expertise in crafting best practices and navigating complex risks. Such experience positions me well to steer ACTS in its business risk undertakings. In roles like the Sustainability Development Manager for Te Whatu Ora Waitematā, providing public healthcare to Auckland’s residents, I’ve refined my ability to establish meaningful partnerships. My time at Toitū Envirocare, where I championed carbon-neutral certification for New Zealand businesses and entities, enhanced my multi-sectoral outlook.

My role in comprehensive sustainability reporting at Flinders University aligns with the board’s expectation of annual report appraisals. Furthermore, my skill in deciphering complex information into accessible narratives will be instrumental to ACTS’s communication endeavours.

I deeply align with ACTS’s vision. My leadership journey reflects a steadfast commitment and preparedness to allocate time for board duties, strategic discussions, and the Annual General Meeting. With a synergy of expertise, commitment, and passion, I am poised to amplify ACTS’s pursuit of sustainability across Australasian campuses.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those collective acts of kindness that have the power to change the world.” – Inspired by Desmond Tutu.

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