Starting with an Airgarden on each campus, the Community Grow Club is one little step towards creating a community of growers, sharing skills with those around us, teaching others how to grow an organic and sustainable garden in whatever space is available while also providing food to those in our own QUT community most in need.

How does the initiative relate to the University’s sustainability strategy?

The initiative seeks to engage the QUT community in simple sustainability activities that have the potential to improve environmental and social outcomes on and off campus working towards our goal of increasing engagement in sustainability activities on campus year on year.

What challenges has this initiative navigated?

The biggest challenge has been converting enthusiasm for the project into action by staff and students to maintain the gardens.

What advice would you give to other organisations looking to replicate this?

This initiative can be implemented at relatively low cost, using different systems,  but requires a small amount of resources to complete risk assessments, volunteer training and to oversee the program. I would recommend finding dedicated staff and students who want to be involved in the gardens before starting and working with them to set up gardens in areas that are convenient for them to conduct ongoing maintenance activities.

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